
Showing posts from 2020


ALATHAR Alathar is a region located in the southeastern area of the Remala. It comprises the southeasternmost part of Remala and is bordered by the Taznaya mountains to the north, the Wethlands to the west, the Bottomless ocean to the south, and the Diamond Sea to the east. Before the Alanohors arrived, it was the Goldenfolk who lived in the area before being driven away by the Tazmaks and then the Alanohorian refugees. The Goldenfolk was believed to be the one who took care of the once vast Goldenwoods before the Alanohors cut them down to produce weapons and to make room for agriculture.  Alathar, also known as God's Land in Old Alari, is a region occupied by the Alarian Principality. Currently, It is ruled by six Princes and one High Prince that serves as sovereign to all diverse people in the state. Its current population is estimated to be around 30 million with the Alanohor serving as the dominant populace along with the Common Men and Ironmen. HISTORY AGE OF THE GO...

Old Alari language

Old Alari is an ancient language used by the old Alanohorian race. Through the mighty Alath Empire, it became the most dominant spoken language that influenced other future languages that mixed with other ethnic languages. The Alanors came from a dying continent and fled to Remala through the Diamond Sea. They first arrived in an area now known as Alathor. With their weapons, numbers, and technology, they easily defeated the native in the area. With the help of their scribes, their way of life was preserved and easily influenced the southeastern lands of Remala, ultimately led them to be the once mighty Empire of Alath. VOWELS æ = c a t, bl a ck             oʊ = g o , h o me           eəʳ = wh ere , air           e = m e t, b e d          eɪ = s ay , eigh t CONSONANTS d = d i d , la d y    ...