

Alathar is a region located in the southeastern area of the Remala. It comprises the southeasternmost part of Remala and is bordered by the Taznaya mountains to the north, the Wethlands to the west, the Bottomless ocean to the south, and the Diamond Sea to the east.

Before the Alanohors arrived, it was the Goldenfolk who lived in the area before being driven away by the Tazmaks and then the Alanohorian refugees. The Goldenfolk was believed to be the one who took care of the once vast Goldenwoods before the Alanohors cut them down to produce weapons and to make room for agriculture. 

Alathar, also known as God's Land in Old Alari, is a region occupied by the Alarian Principality. Currently, It is ruled by six Princes and one High Prince that serves as sovereign to all diverse people in the state. Its current population is estimated to be around 30 million with the Alanohor serving as the dominant populace along with the Common Men and Ironmen.



Nothing is known much in the region in an era where the Gods lived among the mortal species of Alaria. It is only known that three tribal folks lived in Alathar, the Goldenfolk, Ironfolk or Ironmen, and the Flyingfolk.

The Goldenfolk are tree people who rely on the forests while the Flyingfolks created sky islands and the Ironfolk thrived in their mountainous tribal lands rich with Iron. Nothing is ever known again from them after the Alanohors first landed, the Goldenfolks flee further to their dying forests, the Ironmen learned how to smelt iron instead of worshipping them, and the Flyingfolk believed to had built a large continental sky island for their own.


Alathar was the birthplace of the mighty Alanohorian Empire when ancient Alanohors first landed on the coast of Veronor after fleeing from their dying continent of Estheros. The first Alanohors founded the city of Alameir and crowned a king named Lathmar and ruled the first Kingdom of Vero, also known as the Golden Kingdom.

The first king of the kingdom mandated that the history of the old Alanohors must be forgotten causing all known records of Estheros to be burned or lost. King Lathmar heavily instituted the creation of a militant religious academy that preserves some cultures of the old and bringing it back to anew.

King Lathmar III expanded their territory to the fertile lands of Kyajelnor, Alalei's Womb, and the peninsula of Kyarnor. Because of this expansion, the Goldenfolk tribes united under one banner in the area now know as Veroyesh and waged war to the kingdom. King Lathmar III won and occupied the territory as well.

The Ironmen of the Iron Peninsula started raids against 12th king of the Alanohor named Wilarth. King Wilarth was only 16 when he hosted a delegate with the tribal chiefs of the Ironmen. At the manor where they were discussing treaties, King Wilarth combusted himself into flames causing the manor to burn along everyone with it except some witnesses that fled from the scene. To this day, no one knows why, how, and what happened. The raiders of the Iron Peninsula never raided ever again. 

When the reign of Lathmar VII ended, his son, Veithosh ascended to the throne and quickly went to war with the Tazmaks and losing almost all of the Veroyesh region. Because of the defeat in war, the kingdom went to civil war causing destruction and the genocide of the Goldenfolk. Veithosh won the civil war and slaughtered every political enemy and continued on the expansion of the kingdom. For hundreds of years, the kingdom conquered the surrounding lands and annexed the Aeiong peninsula and integrated its native Ironmen into the empire. The very old Veithosh crowned himself Emperor and shortly after the coronation, he drew out his last breath and died. 


After the death of Veithosh, his seven sons fought for the throne in a war known as the War of the Seven Kings. For twenty-seven years, Veithosh's sons caused destruction throughout the land and the kingdoms went to a famine followed by a plague. Shar, the eight son of Veithosh, who travelled from the far west and explored the dungeons of Aladaka, landed on Veronor with thousands of troops from the west and from an unknown continent. Along with an army he had the mystical sword of fire, Dragon's Tooth. 

Shar crowned himself emperor and conquered all of Alathar and killed all of his siblings and their sons as he married their wives and daughters. Shar fortified the Alaharic belief and spread news that he was chosen by their god to rule. He instituted mandatory religious purging to peoples in his empire who can't answer the three sacred questions.

The Age of Shar saw the expansion of the Empire through the now known Emperor Shar the Holy. The Empire conquered all of the northern deserts, from Taznaya to Zekit, and occupied most of Chala. Lastly, the Empire annexed the southern lands of the now known Alanor from the Goldenfolk and even occupied the mystical lands of the now known Aladaka. The reign of Shar came into the end when the Emperor sailed to the Bottomless Ocean at the age of 107 and never to be seen again.

For three years the Empire had no Emperor, his forty-seven sons waged a civil war to each other until twelve remains and voted that their deceased 13th sibling be the second emperor of the Empire. The Empire was divided into twelve regions led by twelve sons of Shar that either went to war with other western kingdoms or with each other while the second Emperor, Shar II, sat on the throne with his lifeless body.

When the twelve rulers died, the Tazmaya reclaimed their lands with an alliance with the Chadranas of Chala. A peasant rebellion occurred at the capital of Alameir and dethrones the lifeless Emperor Shar II and installed Shar's bastard daughter, Sharloth. In her rule, she executed every known relative to eliminate competition. To secure her rule, she made all of her seven lovers as lords of each region. She had fourteen sons and chose an heir. She was known as Sharloth the Wise.

During her reign saw prosperity, she avoided wars, boosts trade, and improved relations with the Tazmaks. She executed all of the lords she installed and married her heir, her own son. She instituted the importance of history and religion of the Alaharic faith. Her rule came to an end when she's hosting a feast in her castle at Alameir and she suddenly combusted and set fire to the whole city killing most of the population and all of her sons and grandsons except for her heir, Shar III.

Shar III moved the capital to Kyajeltorg and heavily imposed the protection of his son. In his rule, he fortified the navy to protect their merchants from the infamous pirates of Chala. Shar III made four notable peasant farmers, two iron miners, and one merchant as lords of the seven regions of Alathar. In his rule he prioritized the economy and rebuilds the city of Alameir. He also saw the construction of the 147ft tall iron statue of Shar with a golden crown on top of its head.

A great famine struck Alathar at the time of Emperor Loshar IV killing almost the populace of every small village and minor towns, it also caused a handful of rebellions in which Loshar successfully extinguished. The reign of Loshar IV will saw the final days of the Shar dynasty when a great leviathan dragon awoken in the Fartorn region only to be defeated by a legendary hero and Alathar will be ravaged by the great Blood Plague, killing almost half of the Empire including Emperor Loshar IV and his whole family.

The last of Shar's bloodline finally died and no Emperor will sit on the throne for almost fifty years. The empire was led by a military general who oversaw the burial of the imperial family known as Klorosh Kaerver.

Klorosh Kaerver ruled Alathar and decimated every rebellion. He kept the nobles in line as he searched for a successor by sending his legions to secure every major city and town in the empire. Once he executed all enemies, he built himself a cult of personality, restricting religious activity, and making sure he gets the populace support by flourishing the city and eliminating conspirators against him. Klorosh plotted a war with the Tazmaks and Hansa and successfully conquering them. Klorosh crowned himself Emperor and installed his three sons as viceroys to all occupied kingdoms including Alathar. The golden age of the Alanohor ended, the Kaerver dynasty begins.


During the rule of Klorosh III, he hosted a trans-continental delegation of all dominion in Remala. At the delegation, he suddenly combusted and caused a huge fire in Kyajeltorg, destroying all buildings that stood. When his brother, Kloro ascended the throne peacefully, he moved the capital back to Alameir.

A leviathan attacked the city of Datheiong, the Tazmaks, Korinthians, and the Tornmen of Fartorn came to aid the Alanohorian, it was defeated with millions of casualties. The leviathans will continue on ravaging the lands of Remala. For almost seven hundred years, the leviathan terrorizes the lands of Remala.


The combined armies of Tazmak and Alanohor defeated all of leviathans ruling in the eastern parts of Remala. Emperor Alaklor VII sacrificed his life for his empire and left the world without an heir. He was the last emperor to ever serve the Alanohor. The later years of this age was spent by unified armies waging war with the leviathans.

A council of Tazmak, Chadrana, and Alanohor sign the Treaty of Zamantha to peacefully transition into independent nations. The Chadranas crowned a priest-king, the Tazmaks declared a republic, and the Alanohors was divided into seven petty kingdoms. The seven kingdoms were led by the people who led the treaty.

The leviathans’ rule in Remala ended when the prophesized hero defeated all of the remaining leviathans in the western part of the continent. Together with all of his nine companions, they defeated the last leviathan, Xrakas, king of leviathans.


The Common Age saw the rise of the Common Men of the west after successfully defeating the last leviathan that indirectly caused a plague that destroyed most of the eastern civilizations. Even after the death of the leviathans, all of the nations in the eastern part of Remala was still in bad shape.

The blood plague caused a crisis for the seven kingdoms of Alathar, they went to war for almost two hundred years before being unified under one banner by a prince who was rumored to be Shar’s living descendant, Salashar.


After the coronation of Prince Salashar and the establishment of the Alari Principality of Alathar, the region went in a harmonious era, prospering and blooming, as there was no recorded rebellion against the throne. Prince Salashar Sharvei left a lasting legacy of installing his eight sons to rule Alathar.


1. Jeikymeir
4. Aleveimeir
7. Kyakyashmeir
10. Alaport
13. Angmurtorg
2. Alameir
5. Datheiong
8. Kyartorg
11. Yeshmeir
14. Jelthar
3. Kyajeltorg
6. Dahthar
9. Verokya
12. Sharleitorg
15. Aeiongmeir


 16. Sheareteich
22. Silverport
28. Esthoport
34. White Town
40. Whitelearg
 17. Veroteich
23. Veretown
29. Aeiongteich
35. Hillside
41. The Pit
 18. Womb
24. Edge
30. Baytown
36. Woodside
42. Alavei's Point
 19. Kyalearg
25. Littlevath
31. Dahlearg
37. Ereteich

 20. Kyarteich
26. Ysidradah
32. Yeshvath
38. Dahport

 21. Dehyeteich
27. Dust
33.  Alanoport
39. Shar's Last



1. Mt. Zamath
2. Mt. Sha 3. Mt. Tar 5. Mt. Ere
4. Mt. Alaeya
6. Mt. Dath
 7. Mt. Shoula
 8. Mt. Shala
 9. Mt. Dathejeiky
10. Mt. Iron 11. Mt. Sheare 12. Mt. Jeikydola
13. Mt. Vere


1. Goldenwoods
2. Elderwoods
3. Dedededathdah Forest
4. Kyayeshadath
5. Mountain River Forest
6. Shar's Nest
7. Golden Timber
8. Whitewoods


1. Iron Hills

2. Dathdath Hill
3. Vathdath Hills
4. The Prince
5. Dragon's Grave


 1. Borderfort
 2. Green Wastes Fort
 3. Shar's Fort
